Monday, August 9, 2010

Forms LT

Serr.Biz is proud to announce the release of FormsLT CRM Native!


Native state Joomla 1.5 functionality 

Easy installation

Easy configuration.

Unlimited forms and custom fields.

Article integration - Embedd form in ANY article

Automatic user name and password generation

Front end and back end control panels.

Full customer front end experience. 

Lead to staff communication tools( 'Facebook Style' )

Sale management tools

3rd party marketing tracking (Clicks, CPC, CPL, CPA, ROI)

Customer contact management

Integration of Google, Yahoo and Bing conversion codes.

Integration into Virtuemart

Form Module

Tell A Friend Module 

Detailed reports.

Much more! 

To try the front end, or if you'd like to purchase the app, visit Joomla Forms